​​Skills Of the Outfits
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A Bridled Stockhorse Showcase
Come watch and learn!
September 2023
Demonstrating horsemanship and stockmanship...
This year, due to the fact that we are debuting the Skills of the Outfits as a "Showcase" and not yet offering it as an open competition, we have the opportunity to introduce you to the riders who have been invited to join in the demonstration and who have so graciously accepted the invitation, putting themselves in the extremely vulnerable position of being judged in front of YOU, so that you can learn through them.
We are so very honored and grateful to these amazing men and women for their commitment and passion for the development of the bridled stock horse, their interest in preserving and passing on these skills and values and their willingness to take part in this event.
We can't wait for future events in which YOU TOO can participate!
David Ciriani

Richard Kowalzik

Julie Crawford

Pinto Miremadi

Julie Reid

Elisha Bradburn

Christa Miremadi

Genevieve Morison