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And Event Description



Currently, we are offering 3 event types at the Skills of the Outfits.  In the years to come, we may add more events but at this time the events offered are:


     - Ranch Horse Pattern

     - Cattle Sorting

     - Ranch Roping


Below you will find the event description as well as the points available for each class. 


Riders will have the opportunity to receive feedback from the judge at the end of the day in order to understand their scoring and make improvements on themselves and their horses for the future.



Ranch Horse Pattern
               (Intro and Advanced)


6 minutes will be given to complete the pattern.  Each horse and rider team will perform a simple pattern that will showcase their communication skills and partnership.  There will be opening/closing gates (which can be done from the ground or mounted), circles in each direction, lead changes (simple or flying) stops, turns, rein-backs and side passes.  Riders will be judged on smoothness and ability to execute designated tasks as well as the partnership they show with their horse.




This event has an "intro or an "advanced" option. The event is judged for a total of 100 points.  If the "Intro" option is chosen, riders may trot rather than lope, choose to do a simple lead change rather than a flying lead change and they can choose to dismount for opening/closing gates.  "intro" riders may acquire a total of 75 points.  



 Cattle Sorting

8 minutes will be given to complete the task.  Lead rider chooses two turn-back riders as their crew and will sort 3 separate designated cows from the bunch.  Points are given for each cow, horsemanship/stockmanship and teamwork.  Only the lead rider is judged.



Ranch Roping            (Dummy or Live)



6 minutes will be given to complete the task.  Lead rider chooses two turn-back riders as their crew, one of which may assist them into the round-pen with a single, designated cow.  Once the lead rider has sorted and penned the designated cow, they will proceed to the dummy.  They will have 3 loops max with which to successfully rope the dummy.  Points are given for teamwork, smoothness of stockmanship during sorting and penning, roping and horsemanship.  Only the lead rider is judged.





6 minutes will be given to complete the task.  Lead rider chooses two turn-back riders as their crew, one of which may assist them into the round-pen with a single, designated cow.  Once in the round pen, the lead will have 3 loops max with which to successfully rope the cow.  Points are given for teamwork, smoothness of stockmanship during sorting and penning, roping and horsemanship.  Only the lead rider is judged.




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